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A Special Message From Your Pastor

As we emerge from the challenging time of the pandemic, we need to look at our future seriously with renewed determination to witness to Christ. We will invest our time, talent, and treasure in it this endeavor. There are some essential projects we must undertake so that our church and school will be secured for the next generations. It is therefore with great optimism and excitement that I present you our parish capital campaign, Grounded In Faith, Building Our Future.


Our facilities and buildings are now over sixty years old and much substantial renovation and updating work needs to be undertaken. In this brochure you find out about our plans to ensure our church is renovated to the highest standards to meet our joyous, holy workload, that our school is able to meet the 21st century needs of

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its children, and that our community at St. Anthony’s has the space it really requires to accommodate its growth. For these plans of a refurbished and vibrant parish, school, and mission to be realized, we must raise $3.5 million or more over the next five years.


I encourage you to join me in this new phase of our pilgrimage with Christ here amongst the Orcutt Hills. It is time to be bold, committed, and generous. I am always impressed with the many great works of charity, ministry, and fellowship in our community. We celebrate more than twenty-three masses per week in the church alongside another twenty-five sacramental and devotional celebrations, a demonstration of the vitality of our faith, and also its impact on the fabric of the building. We cannot however rest on former or current glories; we must build upon that which we have inherited.


Like the Apostles, it is time for us to put out into the deep; that is why we are casting our nets for a substantial financial catch that will allow us to build our future on the firm foundations of our faith and the profound commitment of earlier generations of the parish community. I know our campaign will be a great success and allow us to grow as the vibrant, shining beacon of faith and excellence here on the central coast that we can be!


May the Holy Spirit inspire the generosity of our hearts, as we continue our pilgrimage of becoming one family in Christ.

God bless us in this adventure,

Fr. Aidan-Peter, CJ


© 2023 by Capital Campaign. 

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